Wedding Countdown

Sunday, June 21, 2009


We have completed our registries (well, as complete as these things ever get). We really had a lot of fun shopping and planning together, and were kind of sad when it ended. Oh well, plenty of other things to do. :) We are registered at the following places:

Bed, Bath and Beyond
Babcock's (Memphis only)

If the links above don't work for you, you can search either of our names. We have also selected St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital in Memphis to receive a donation whenever a gift is purchased from either our Macy's or Bed, Bath & Beyond Registry. We are very pleased to be able to do our small part to let our joy be a blessing to others.

1 comment:

alanajoli said...

I've never heard of stores offering donations when gifts are purchased off a registry -- what a wonderful way to start a life together, by encouraging giving to others!