In this post, it is the basement we are concerned with. The original basement was in all off-white, which made for a pretty dreary look. The plan was to convert it into a home theater, with a ceiling mounted projector.

In this picture, you can see where we are planning to put the screen for the home theater:

We chose a charcoal gray for the walls to absorb light (which would make the picture from the projector brighter), while leaving all the trim white to break up the monotony (just adding a fresh coat):

We painted the screen on using a specially formulated paint, then added velvet tape around the edges to complete it:

We are very pleased with the results!
Nicely done! Be interested to know how you feel the screen paint does. I thought about it at one point but never got to it.
Looks fantastic! I'll try to think of ways to make that curtain block out more light.
Dang, you guys did good work!
Oh WOW- screen looks fantastic!! Can't wait to utilize its awesomeness. :D
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